Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Retreat outline

"An Adventure To Freedom"
Tentative Schedule
  • 9:00 am - Worship - PRAISE - Being consumed with who God is and what He has done
  • 9:15 am - Pastor Bruce - Our Offering of Worship part 1
  • 10:00 am - Worship - DEVOTION - A willingness to give yourself consistently, completely and wholeheartedly to God
  • 10:15 am - Pastor Dave Kessler - Dragon Gazing
  • 11:45 am - Prayer and Worship - COMMUNION - Building a relationship with God by praying and listening
  • 12:00 noon - El Ewe En Ci eightch
  • 1:00 pm - Worship - ADORATION - Intimate, personal, loving worship
  • 1:15 pm - Eric - Our Offering of Worship part 2
  • 2:00 - 4:00 pm - Pastor Dave Kessler - The King's View


FrankCugini said...

I'll be there....My football team has a bye that week - yippee! I can go...

erichwing said...

Great, I'm glad you'll be there. I spoke with Pastor Dave last night and I'm very excited about what God will do with this retreat.