I have a wonderful friend, who happens to be a great artist, who drew me in a cartoon that was published in a magazine. Seriously - I had no idea how good it would be to be used, even slightly, as an image for a cartoon, but today I know this sweet rich chocolaty joy. And oh sweet potato-cakes do I look fine as a cartoon! As I drink in this tremendous moment, I also feel the burning unrestrained, unfettered, unsaturated jealousy of the rest of the , "un-drawn" as I now call them, pastoral staff. Oh yes, for the "un-drawn" it is indeed a dark, lonely, un-shadowed existence. Any reference to - standing in line, reading between the lines, drawing a conclusion, or simply asking them again and again "did you see my cartoon?", brings low mournful groans from deep inside their "un-drawn" bodies. Anyway, being a cartoon will definitely be included in my list of skills. I think this Sunday I'll sing the Chris Rice "Cartoon Song" to open service. That's all folks.
You both look very fine as a cartoon! I wonder what that would be like........?!
Hey, Anita:
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