This series we have been doing from the Gospel of John has been rich season of growth. I am still working out Pastor Dave's message, "Sword Swinging and Cup Drinking”. What a powerful contrast in evaluating our reactions and our choices, and what a clearheaded reminder to “put down your sword”. Beyond how this teaching reveals how my reactions look more like Peter than like Jesus, I’ve been wondering how this question impacts how we serve. I wonder if sword swinging is faithless work that comes easy for us, maybe even natural for us, and it seems to sit comfortably with our pride - "I'm looking out for me, I'm taking care of myself". While cup drinking demands humility - "I'm looking to God to care for me, in faith I'm receiving whatever His best is for me". putting down swords that inhibit my serving. In Ephesians 6 Paul prompts us to take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and to pray in the Spirit on all occasions. I am asking God to search me and disarm me, to remove my swords of this world, that wound and kill, and arm me instead with the sword of the Spirit that guides me and directs my steps. Holding the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God strengthens my faith as I drink the cup God sets before me, trusting that His best for me is exactly what I’m thirsting for. Join me in asking God to search us and disarm us of any such swords of this world, and instead place in our possession the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
Pastor Eric
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